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How has Amy Helped?

See what others have to say

Amy was incredibly impactful

Amy was incredibly impactful with an intentional, accessible approach to sharing so much about loss with part of our team. We are immensely grateful to her for sharing her kindness, compassion, and wisdom.  While we don’t look forward to families experiencing loss, we know that we can support them (and one another as doulas), better because of her.

I am so grateful for the support Amy has provided

I am so grateful for the ongoing support Amy has provided as I navigate the unexpected loss of my daughter at 20 weeks gestation. I was so lucky to find Amy hours after finding out I would be going to the hospital the next day to be induced. She guided me and my husband through every step of the process and made our time with our baby so much more meaningful than it may have been without her help, and she continues to provide support in the group environment as I process the grief and trauma associated with the loss. Amy’s knowledge, gentle presence and compassion has been invaluable during one of the hardest times in our lives.

I really benefited.

Thank you for sharing your insights and experience with hospital doula program. I really benefitted and have lots of ideas and motivation to move forward!

I was so grateful to find Amy

After our miscarriage, I was so grateful to find Amy and the support group she leads monthly. She is supportive, caring, and a wealth of knowledge! Amy has been an important part of my healing after our loss and walking the path of pregnancy after loss!

I reached out to Amy after an ectopic pregnancy

I reached out to Amy a few months after experiencing an ectopic pregnancy. I was grappling with so many things at the time. Profound grief over all that we lost, fear that I’d never be able carry a pregnancy to term, and anger that my first experience with pregnancy resulted in such trauma. Amy helped me lean into my pregnancy loss in a way that allowed me to validate my feelings and process the emotions I had been avoiding. She also helped me feel connected to other moms that I could relate to.

Presently, I am 33 weeks pregnant with my rainbow baby. I can honestly say that connecting with Amy has helped me so much throughout this pregnancy. Due to Amy’s support, I am able to hold space for the grief and trauma of our loss, while also allowing myself to experience the hopefulness and joy I have as we continue to get closer to meeting our rainbow baby in a few short weeks.

I have come to rely on that safe space even years later

Amy has been the bridge from the person I was before I lost my pregnancy, to the person I am trying to become. She has loved, supported, and guided me through the most difficult time in my life. Allowing me the safe space I desperately need to process very complex emotions. She has even helped me find ways to communicate with my angel babies. She is an angel and has helped me connect with other loss parents, which has grown my support network. I have come to rely on that safe space even years later. I am not grateful for my losses, but I am grateful that the experience brought Amy into my life.

Amy helped me through the darkest time of my life

Amy helped me through the deepest, darkest time of my life. I was so lost and heartbroken 💔 trying to navigate through the grief that came after losing our daughter Everly. No one really understood what I was going through after her loss. I was a shell of the person I once was. I had 2 children at home who needed me and I had lost all direction and purpose. I was utterly lost trying to process everything and navigate through my grief. Then through some miracle, I found Amy. It was as if she held out her hand, helped me to my feet, and gave me the light to see and find my direction after I had been lost for so long. She validated my feelings and made me understand that even though my daughter is no longer here her spirit lives on through her memory. I carry that memory with me every day because love has no boundaries. She will always have a piece of my heart and no one will ever fill that void. I’m not sure where I would be today without this beautiful compassionate woman. I am so happy that she found her way into my life and will be forever grateful for the support she has given me. ❤

Amy led a very informative seminar

Amy led a very informative seminar that allowed me to really think about how I could support families in times of grief. The information was presented in a very organized way, she asked lots of questions that made it feel very interactive and Amy was obviously quite knowledgeable on the subject. I would highly recommend this seminar to others.

A safe place to talk about my loss

Amy has helped me in so many ways. Her monthly support group pulled me out of a really dark place when I had my missed miscarriage. I felt so lost and alone, mad and sad, quite frankly unable to cope. Going to a support group, meeting other women who experienced similar situations and had a loss of their own really gave me a safe place to talk about my loss and feel not so broken inside. Amy herself leading group has always implemented great ways to think of and honor our angel babies. She helped me work through my grief and still to this day (over 2 years later) helps me continuously work through my grief at major milestones in my life after loss. I highly recommend you take the chance to meet her as she is a beautiful soul always lending a helping hand to mothers in need of support. She truly always finds the right words to say and gives the best healing hugs! I love her and everyone in group. Best/worst club to be a part of.

It was exactly what I needed to build my confidence

I took Amy’s “I don’t know what to say” online workshop and it was exactly what I needed to build my confidence in working with families at a time of great loss. As a photographer who donates her time to photograph families with their heavenly baby, it is so important for me to feel confident in how I make them feel when I am in the room with them at such a difficult time. Amy helped me fully understand Companioning and that just being there as myself, being present for their pain, is enough. Thank you so much, Amy!

I was able to finally grieve the loss of my babies

Amy leads the support group for miscarriage and infant loss. Through the support of the group and Amy finding different ways to channel your grief, I was able to finally grieve the loss of my babies after I just pushed it away. I now can find love for my babies in my grief.

I own a doula agency with 20+ doulas

I am a doula and own a doula agency with 20+ doulas, and recently opened a perinatal wellness collaborative. We just had Amy from Blossom Birth do a custom 6 hour workshop for some of our team, and we could not be more grateful or impressed. Amy was incredibly impactful with an intentional, accessible approach to sharing so much about loss with us. We are immensely grateful to her for sharing her kindness, compassion, and wisdom, and while we don’t look forward to families experiencing loss, we know that we can support them – and one another as doulas – better because of her. Amy was so well prepared, had useful tools and resources, an interactive style, and was just such a delight to work with. Thank you so much, Amy!

Amy continues to help me

Amy continues to help me grieve the loss of our first child by opening her heart and her home. She hosts a support group in a very relaxed and comfortable setting that is open to everyone. During group, we all get a chance to share our story with as little or as much detail as we are comfortable with. Members of the group offer honest support and I have never felt misunderstood or uncomfortable sharing my experience with them. We let our grief manifest through creative projects that Amy plans and provides during each group session and you can always tell she put so much thought and effort into how it will help you heal. I am so glad that I found this group because not only did I find a wonderful group of people to support me and the loss of my daughter Poppy, but I also learned about Amy’s doula services. I have gone on to give birth to a healthy baby boy and Amy was there the entire time. With her extensive knowledge and background in pregnancy and infant loss, she was able to help me through what could have been an incredibly triggering and scary delivery. She continued to share her knowledge after birth by helping me with breastfeeding and continuing to grieve my daughter while also raising my son. Amy has been such a rock for our family and we couldn’t have done any of this without her. Cannot recommend her enough!