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Please take a moment to read the messages of love sent to spirit babies.

Davin John

Dear, Baby Davin John 
You are so loved and missed by not only me but your Daddy and Big Brother. We are so thankful to have had you enter our lives we wished you could have stayed but you had to go up to heaven to be with your Papaw’s. Everyday we wished you was here with us but live it up in heaven until we meet again when I get up there Momma is gonna hold you and never let you go ever again. Please continue watching over us baby boy we love and miss you so so much! Xoxo, love Momma, Daddy, & Big Brother

Dakota Kimberley Jane Allen

You were loved from the moment we found out you were growing inside mummy, my self and daddy used to talk to you all the time and would love feeling you riggle about, we patiently waited for you to be born so we could begin our adventures with you by our side, sadly at 40+3 we were told your heart was no longer beating and you had gone to join the angels, mine and daddy’s world shattered when we were told the news, it’s been nearly 3 weeks but seems just like yesterday we laid in that silent room holding you and cherishing your tiny face. We miss you so much our arms and heart ache wanting to hold you close again would be a dream, you were the missing piece to our puzzle. Please continue to look over us baby girl and grace us with your presence as we try to make our way through the most heart breaking time of our lives! Sleep well little princess we miss you and love you more than you’ll ever know! To the moon and back forever and always.

Kyle William Reggie Marsh

To our beautiful baby boy Kyle. Not a day goes by that we don’t think about you. Mummy and daddy misses you everyday and the 36 minute you were a live were magical and unforgettable. I wish we had more time together but the universe had other plans for you, our beautiful baby boy. Until we meet again our beautiful son. Love you with all my heart forever.

Cashius Xavier Johns


Hi my mommies noodle . Mommy and daddy want you to know that we love you sooooo much . We were so excited and ready for your arrival . You might not be here physically ,But you will always live in our hearts . Till we meet again watch ovor us. We now live to make you proud to call us your parents .

Love you to infinity, Mommy and Daddy

Alexander Trainor Polanco

My beautiful baby boy, You’ve taught me so much. I learned that not only mommy’s give live but You do too. A part of me died with you. I miss you so much, I still don’t understand why you had to leave so soon. Your Daddy and your big sister miss you too 💔. Te amamos y te amaremos por siempre.

Baby V

Oh little baby I wonder who you would have been. You were an answered prayer, from both myself and your daddy, we were so excited to meet you. You have a big brother here on earth who was so excited to meet you as well. He often asks about where his baby is and then remembers and points to the sky to say hello. 
We never got to know who you are but just know that we will Love You and miss you forever and a day xx We can’t wait to meet you on the other side one day xx

Princess “Bryony” Angel

All loved, missed never forgotten. Always in our thoughts and hearts.Always remembered. Love you so much Princess”Bryony”Angel. love Mummy,Daddy and all your brothers.

Travonne Caleb Rhoda

I miss u more and more with each passing day. They say it gets easier and u learn to live with it. But I don’t. I miss u so much my angel fighter.

Nathan, Jessy, Molly, Lucas

To my babies in heaven, Nathan, Jessy, Molly, Lucas and the babies I lost but never got chance to name. I am so blessed to be all of your moms, I love and miss you eternally. I have changed as a person and have learnt so much about life because of all of you. Not a single day passes where you are not on my mind. I love and will love you now and forever, all of your wings were ready to fly but my heart was not ready for you to leave.

Edward Antonio Roman

Edward, my sweet baby boy, not a day goes by that you’re not on my mind. I am so sorry that you can’t be next to me for me to kiss and cuddle you. Mommy, daddy, and big brother Joey love and will always love you! An infinity amount of hugs and kisses for you!

Aziel David Chase

Due 04/10/2025
Where can I even start? My eyes filled with tears as I write these words to you. You were the love of my life. Even if I’d only known you for a short time, I’d never felt such an intense love for anyone else in my entire life. You allowed me to feel for the first time ever what love a mother feels for her child.❤️You helped me heal my relationship with my mom, your grandma, with God by your side. You are my miracle baby forever! I will remember that!I will always hold you in my❤️,Aziel! ~Love,M❤M

Ewen Edwards

My angel Ewen, You have changed me, I want to live my life to honnor you and I promise I will every single day until I meet you again. You’re time on earth was short but you have left a massive impact on so many peoples lives. People we didnt know before you passed, you have touched their lives. I see the signs you give me and I know they are from you. I know the sign you gave me at church on Sunday was to let me know you are at peace. I love you so much baby boy and I know we will meet again when its my time. Lots of love and rainbow kisses my little welsh boy. Love mummy

Baby Goldsmith


Our sweet angel up in heaven we never got the chance to hold you but we will always hold you in our hearts forever sleep tight my darling xx

Jru Wilson

Jru, my sweet baby boy… I am so sorry that you’re not here with us. I have so many regrets about that day. Not a moment goes by that you aren’t somewhere in my mind. I love you with every fiber of my being; and I get excited as time passes because I’m one more day closer to meeting you in heaven.

Hannah Katherine Maillet

Dear Hannah, We love you and miss you more than words could ever explain. We have done many things in memory of you and I talk about you every chance I get. I wish so badly that you were here but I know you are safe in heaven with Jesus never to know the ugliness in this world. I see you in all things beautiful, my sweet girl. You were and still are such a precious blessing to us and you will always be our rainbow baby. We love you so much our sweet, beautiful Hannah. Love always and forever, Mama, Dada, and Sissy

Therence Guevara

Hi Baby Therence, 
It’s been 1 month and 1 day since you left and chose to save Mommy (me) EVERYDAY I MISS YOU 
 hope you stayed and come out on Sept, please comeback to us Mommy and Daddy are waiting for your comeback please don’t get too long pleae know your way back to us WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH promise mommy will stay at home and have a Bed rest please come back

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